TLD is a total conversion of Mount and Blade (NOT WARBAND) into Middle Earth during the War of the Ring. Downloads Last Updated: 6 days ago Game Version: IMPORTANT NOTE: When updating to a new version of the mod (vx to. Divide and Conquer is a submod of Third Age Total War, a mod for Medieval 2 Total War. The Production has been going since March and the. 'Third Age - Total War' is a mod for Medieval II: Total War that brings you to the world of Middle-Earth. It would be my first time downloading a mod, and before I. Humanoid Alien Races hey folks I was wondering if the lotr third age mod still works for total war medieval 2. DO NOT USE TOGETHER WITH LOTR UNLIMITED!!! Mod Order: Put The Third Age high on your mod order list E.g. Is there a way to download the Third Age Total War mod for the Steam version? I have the actual game CD and the mod which I got from Mod DB. It brings you directly into the world of Middle Earth where. Third Age: Total War is a Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms total-conversion mod. Third Age: Total War Third Age: Total War is a total conversion modification for Medieval II: Total War that brings you into the world of Middle Earth. This is an unofficial CONTINUATION for Third Age Total War, the classical Lord of the Rings Medieval 2 mod discontinued many years ago. ~ Play epic and strategically demanding battles with the armies of Middle-earth and their respective heroes. 'Third Age - Total War' is a total conversion modification for 'Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms Expansion' that brings you into the world of Middle-earth.